P.L.A.Y.@CLINIC is an Occupational Therapy service are offered in the clinic setting. Parents can make an appointment at various pediatric clinics on the West Island of Montreal for either an evaluation and/or treatment sessions. Each clinic provides evidence-based assessments and treatment approaches that is functional, goal oriented and provides family-centered therapy. The assessments and/or treatments explore strengths and areas of interest to improve daily functioning and participation in leisure activities. Most services are covered by majority of private insurance companies, and insurance receipts are provided for each assessment and/or treatment session. The clinics have a multidisciplinary team available for further consultation, if required.

This clinic is the joining of two professionals – Keren Ritter, SLP and Ann Zilberbrant, OTR. A pediatric multidisciplinary therapy clinic that is centrally located in the West Island of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Click here for more information.


The goal is to help a child achieve their full potential and improve participation in childhood activities or occupations.

Common concerns for children under 3 years of age are:
  • Difficulties achieving motor milestones (i.e. not rolling over at 7 months, not walking by 18 months, unable to go on her/his tummy, unable to eat and pick up foods, not able to manipulate small objects, does not play with toys, etc.)
  • Difficulties with self-help skills (i.e. unable to help get dressed and undressed, difficulty eating, etc.)
  • Difficulty with play skills
Common concerns for children at 4 years of age and over:
  • Difficulties with fine motor skills (handling and manipulating small objects)
  • Difficulties with play skills
  • Unable to pedal a bicycle (with or without training wheels)
  • Difficulty with handwriting (including holding writing tools, etc.)
  • Difficulty with scissor skills
  • Lack of coordination
  • Difficulty with dressing skills (i.e. zippers, buttons)
  • Difficulty participating in sports
  • Difficulty acquiring new motor skills


The Mission of P.L.A.Y.@CLINIC is to provide an opportunity for children and adults with special needs to participate in physical activity and help promote healthy living through a specialized gymnastics-based program.


Through collaboration and specific therapeutic techniques, OTs help children achieve their full potential and their goals. The OTs may use such intervention techniques (but not limited to) as Handwriting without Tears to help with handwriting acquisition or Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) to assist with acquisition of new motor skills.


Please contact info@playlimitless.ca for cost breakdown for P.L.A.Y.@GYM

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